Where To Stay
Friday 3PM-8PM | Saturday 10AM-6PM | Sunday 11AM-5PM

Quick Links:
GM Advice
2025 Game Library
Tabletop Gaming
Welcome to fun & games at the Huntsville Comic & Pop Culture Expo! We love them so much that we have extended hours for the game room! If you want to stay current with tabletop gaming updates, consider joining our Facebook Group or the convention's Discord server.
Gaming Hours
Tabletop gaming is available 3:00PM – 12:00AM on Friday, 10:00AM – 12:00AM on Saturday, and 11:00AM – 5:00PM on Sunday. Most scheduled games align with two-hour time slots (i.e., even hours in duration); however, there are exceptions depending on the game. Game times and duration are clearly noted on the schedule when posted.
Games Available
Board, card, role-playing, and miniature strategy games are available to play for all ages and experience levels. We offer a game library from which attendees may check-out games to play as time allows and a play-to-win game selection (provided by our wonderful sponsors) from which lucky players get to take a fun game home. Additionally, there will be games hosted at specific times. Player registration sheets for the daily games are posted each morning in East Hall 1. The 2025 tabletop game schedule will be available to download roughly one month before the convention.
Dungeons & Dragons Tournament
Our Dungeons & Dragons Tournament, introduced in 2021, returns Saturday, April 26, 2025 at 6:00PM! Join with old or new friends to protect the innocent and destroy an artifact of great evil, the Wand of Orcus.
This is an after-hours event but convention passes must be purchased during normal hours (Sat 10:00AM - 6:00PM). Characters are provided. Access to a 2024 D&D Player's Handbook is recommended. Seats are not reserved so arrive early to secure your seat. Each player in the winning team is awarded a tournament prize. If curious of the format, you can purchase a copy of adventure from 2021, DC-PoA-KJ2108 The Needs of the Many, from the Dungeon Master's Guild.
Splendor Tournament
In 2025, we have our first ever Splendor Board Game Tournament! Players participate in qualifying games on Friday and Saturday. The winners of these games are invited to the final tournament rounds on Saturday night. The tournament winner is rewarded with a $50 gift certificate from our sponsor, Noble Knight Games!
BattleTech: Alpha Strike Tournament
Another first for 2025, we will host a BattleTech: Alpha Strike Game Tournament on Sunday, April 27th! Defeat all challengers to win a $50 gift certificate from our sponsor, Noble Knight Games!
Play-to-Win Games
As mentioned above, we offer a play-to-win selection of games. The general idea is that you and your friends (including new friends you just met at the convention) check-out an interesting game from the play-to-win desk, play it, and then return it. Once returned, you have the option of entering into a drawing for the game or entering into our general drawing for prize support. We could not offer play-to-win games without our generous sponsors so please let them know you appreciate their support.
Game Library
Our game library is provided by a local gamer, Craig Goodrick. Craig has an extensive game library requiring 12 ft. of shelf-space so if you are looking for a game to play, we should have it! The complete list of games available in 2025 is posted on Board Game Geek. The process to play a library game is simple: you check-out a game from the game library desk and then return it once finished. Craig will be available to teach games as well, but his time may be limited by demand.
Charity Auction
Each year, the Huntsville Comic & Pop Culture Expo hosts a charity auction to benefit Kids to Love, a local charity to assist foster children. Tabletop game products for the auction (donated by our terrific sponsors) can be found on a silent auction table in East Hall 1 on Saturday.
Game Questions
If you have any questions about tabletop games at the Huntsville Comic & Pop Culture Expo, you can email the Tabletop Gaming Coordinator, Kerry Jordan, at hsvexpo.gaming@gmail.com.